Registered trademark


At present, there are 172 registered trademarks under Runxintang, and 152 registration certificates have been obtained. These trademarks can be used at any time for enterprises themselves and cooperative enterprises to dock related products and carry out ...
Run Xin Tong Tian
Run Xin Wo Te
Run Xin Wu Yun
Run Xin Yang Yi
Run Xin Yi Yuan
Run Xin Yin Xiang
Yun Xin Zhen Yuan
Mizuki Taiwa
Tong Tian Yin Xiang
Inborn essence and Qi treasure
Yi Miao Te
Moving Qi
Cordyceps sinensis
Yishou Qiangshen plaster
Yun Xin Gu Yuan
Run Xin Gui Yuan
Ginseng deer
Sheng Hao
Benevolence and longevity
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